【同义词辨析】 2018-12-25 支持support-back

support: is lease explicit about the nature of the assistance given: people who ~ the development of the area.

uphold: implies extended support given to something attacked: ~ the legitimacy of the military action.

advocate: stresses a verbal urging or pleading: ~d a return to basics in public school education. verbal语文,包括书面written和口头oral,如标准化考试中的verbal test语文考试,但有一个特例verbal agreement只表示口头协议,不表示书面协议,一般也不用oral代替) plead: 1恳求, 2辩护,这里用1)

back: suggests a supporting by lending assistance to one failing or falling: allies refused to ~ the call for sanctions.

champion: suggests the public defending of those who are unjustly attacked or too weak to advocate their own cause: ~ed the rights of pregnant women.

support支持: 泛指帮助,指代最不明确,因此最通用,uphold支持: 指长期地支持受攻击(extend扩展),advocate提倡: 强调使用语言文字敦促请求,back支持: 表示支持即将失败或跌倒的,champion支持: 表示公开地为遭受不公或弱势的人保护辩护(defend保护辩护)

记忆方法: 1)首字母US ABC想成美国华人<==支持     American Born Chinese

          2)支持的意思是帮助遭到反对的mean to favor actively someone or something that meets opposition.         favor意思是支持赞成有利,如favorable weather有利天气)